Monday, March 14, 2011

Friday was a nice day, but Saturday was cold.

Rode out to Waunakee this weekend.  Here's my setup.
I found some new roads.
The shadows got long but I made it in time.  Those snowdrifts on the side of the road were about 10 feet tall.
It was cold and windy on Saturday, but we rode anyway.  Here's a cool corner on a farm road heading towards Black Earth.
Then we saw a creepy farmhouse, so we headed back towards the car.  I like riding bikes.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Our long awaited Salsa pre-season order has started trickling in.  We're excited, and you should be too.  Here's a quick pic of our first sold Vaya.  Lance bought it a month ago and waited ever so patiently for it.  He's excited.  If you aren't, you should be.  We installed a nice compression-less cable kit (to improve brake feel) and a Salsa Minimalist rack.  Enjoy your new bike Lance!